
The Company

Dubbed one of the world’s largest, Evergen Resources is a microalgae cultivation manufacturer focused on the production and processing of natural Astaxanthin from microalgae, commonly used in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products.

Boasting international standard facilities that utilize state-of-the-art technology, the location of our plant on Central Java’s tropical coastal region allows us to process the highest quality microalgae into various types of natural Astaxanthin in the form of oleoresin.

The Management

Evergen’s endeavors are supported by the expertise of its collaborative team that never relents in its quest to achieve the highest standards for clients.

Our professional management and staff ensure all day-to-day business operations and the running of our facilities in order to produce premium natural Astaxanthin with quality that exceeds our clients’ expectations.

Want to know more about Evergen? Contact us