Life Science
From The Land Of Diversity
“Microalgae is a natural, sustainable solution across industries, from pharmaceuticals to biopolymers and biofuels to wellness and nutrition.
Its applications are vast and valuable.
This remarkable organism not only provides novel compounds that enhance human health but also cleans and restores the environment as it thrives, demonstrating the essential balance between people and the planet.
At Evergen Resources, we are committed to realizing its benefits for humanity, our planet, and our shared sustainable future.”
Siswanto Harjanto, Founder & CEO

State of the Art Facilities
Our plant provides the most conducive range of facilities in favorable environment for natural Astaxanthin production.

Scientifically Proven
Our Astaxanthin products are based on scientific research to meet the most stringent standards for safety, potency and purity.

MICROALGAE is capable of preventing
various acute and chronic diseases.
making it the most important organism
on the planet that sustains all life on earth.
of the world’s oxygen

October 28, 2022
Evergen Resources, Daewoong Pharmaceutical Seek Collaboration Opportunities

August 29, 2022
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin Visits Evergen Resources to Support ...

August 12, 2019
Astaxanthin from Indonesia: Country’s first microalgae firm competes with global ...